Microsoft .NET Community Toolkit backs .NET 6

Microsoft is previewing .NET Community Toolkit 8.0.0, a new version of the .NET toolkit that adds .NET 6 support and new MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) toolkit capabilities.The .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of APIs and helpers for all .NET developers, agnostic of any UI platform. Version 8 is the first release from the new .NET Community Toolkit Repository, which will be the home for all .NET libraries moving forward. [ Also on InfoWorld: What’s new in Microsoft .NET 6 ] With Preview 1, unveiled January 25, the .NET Community Toolkit 8.0.0 adds support for the recently released .NET 6 software development platform as a new target across available libraries. This brings improvements when running on the latest .NET runtime, including trimming support for all libraries, support for nint and nuint in the Count extension in the HighPerformance package, and optimizations for .NET 6.To read this article in full, please click here

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
Microsoft .NET Community Toolkit backs .NET 6
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Microsoft is previewing .NET Community Toolkit 8.0.0, a new version of the .NET toolkit that adds .NET 6 support and new MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) toolkit capabilities.

The .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of APIs and helpers for all .NET developers, agnostic of any UI platform. Version 8 is the first release from the new .NET Community Toolkit Repository, which will be the home for all .NET libraries moving forward.

With Preview 1, unveiled January 25, the .NET Community Toolkit 8.0.0 adds support for the recently released .NET 6 software development platform as a new target across available libraries. This brings improvements when running on the latest .NET runtime, including trimming support for all libraries, support for nint and nuint in the Count extension in the HighPerformance package, and optimizations for .NET 6.

To read this article in full, please click here

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