National Terrorism Advisory System - be informed of the increased threat to the United States and what you can do

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment. In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. These targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents.

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National Terrorism Advisory System Newsletter of June to November 2022 and translations in 8 languages

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the United States

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment.  In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. These targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents.  Threat actors have recently mobilized to violence due to factors such as personal grievances, reactions to current events, and adherence to violent extremist ideologies, including racially or ethnically motivated or anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism. 

Foreign adversaries—including terrorist organizations and nation-state adversaries—also remain intent on exploiting the threat environment to promote or inspire violence, sow discord, or undermine U.S. democratic institutions.  We continue to assess that the primary threat of mass casualty violence in the United States stems from lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances.


Issued:   June 07, 2022 09:00 am
Expires:   November 30, 2022 02:00 pm

Read this Bulletin translated into various languages:


Attachment Ext. Size Date
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Arabic) PDF 334.96 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Korean) PDF 638.88 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Simplified Chinese) PDF 637.69 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Traditional Chinese) PDF 782.2 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Spanish) PDF 315.91 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Tagalog) PDF 427.51 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Thai) PDF 688.54 KB 06/07/2022
NTAS Bulletin - June 7, 2022 (Vietnamese) PDF 478.74 KB 06/07/2022

Additional Information

Key aspects of the evolving threat environment include:

Several recent violent attacks by lone offenders against minority communities, schools, houses of worship, and mass transit have demonstrated the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment facing the United States:

  • Individuals in online forums that routinely promulgate domestic violent extremist and conspiracy theory-related content have praised the May 2022 mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas and encouraged copycat attacks.  Others have seized on the event to attempt to spread disinformation and incite grievances, including claims it was a government-staged event meant to advance gun control measures.
  • The suspect in the grocery store attack in Buffalo, New York in May 2022 claimed he was motivated by racist, anti-Black, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, often referred to as the “great replacement” or “white genocide.”  These theories claim that minorities, multiculturalists, and a ruling elite are deliberately threatening the existence of the white race.  The alleged 2019 attacker at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas cited similar grievances and inspiration for the attack, and both the Buffalo and El Paso attackers indicated they were inspired by the 2019 attacker of two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • A violent attack in May 2022 in Laguna Woods, California targeted congregants of a church that serves the Taiwanese community.  The attack killed one individual and wounded five others.  According to the lead investigative agency, the suspect also placed Molotov cocktail-like devices around the church and secured the doors with chains and super glue.
  • In April 2022, an individual wearing a gas mask threw two smoke canisters and opened fire on a New York City subway during morning rush hour, resulting in injuries to dozens of individuals.  Following the shooting, a number of pro-al-Qa‘ida and ISIS users celebrated the attack, which remains under investigation.

The continued proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding current events could reinforce existing personal grievances or ideologies, and in combination with other factors, could inspire individuals to mobilize to violence.

  • Some domestic violent extremists have expressed grievances related to their perception that the U.S. government is unwilling or unable to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and have called for violence to stem the flow of undocumented migrants to the United States.  We assess that there is increased risk of domestic violent extremists using changes in border security-related policies and/or enforcement mechanisms to justify violence against individuals, such as minorities and law enforcement officials involved in the enforcement of border security.
  • Given a high-profile U.S. Supreme Court case about abortion rights, individuals who advocate both for and against abortion have, on public forums, encouraged violence, including against government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel and facilities, as well as those with opposing ideologies.
  • As the United States enters mid-term election season this year, we assess that calls for violence by domestic violent extremists directed at democratic institutions, political candidates, party offices, election events, and election workers will likely increase.

Foreign adversaries remain intent on exploiting the dynamic threat environment to sow discord, undermine U.S. democratic institutions, and promote or inspire violence by their supporters.

  • Following the January 2022 hostage situation at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, ISIS and al-Qa'ida supporters released statements celebrating the hostage taker for bringing attention to the issue of a federally convicted female al-Qa'ida supporter and suggested the event could serve as inspiration for future attackers.  Foreign terrorist organizations will likely continue to use online platforms to attempt to inspire U.S.-based individuals to engage in violent activity.
  • In April 2022, ISIS released an audio message announcing a new global campaign of attacks to “avenge” the deaths of the group’s deceased leader and spokesman.  The message called on ISIS supporters to carry out knife and vehicle ramming attacks in the United States and Europe.
  • The pro-al-Qa'ida Malahem Cyber Army released the third issue of its “Wolves of Manhattan” magazine in April 2022, which focused on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.  The magazine encouraged supporters to travel to Ukraine to acquire training and weapons to use in attacks against the West.
  • Chinese, Iranian, Russian, and other foreign malign influence actors have sought to contribute to U.S. internal discord and weaken its focus and position internationally.  These actors have amplified narratives that radicalized individuals have cited to justify violence, including conspiracy theories and false or misleading narratives promoting U.S. societal division.  In recent months, Russia and other actors have also amplified conspiracy theories alleging U.S. responsibility for the Russia-Ukraine crisis and claiming U.S. support for bio-weapons labs abroad.  Some of these actors have used these conspiracy theories to justify calls for violence against U.S. officials and institutions.
  • As the U.S. 2022 mid-term elections approach, malign foreign actors could bolster their messaging to sow discord and influence U.S. audiences in keeping with practices during previous election cycles.

How We Are Responding

DHS works with partners across every level of government, in the private sector, and in local communities to keep Americans safe, including through the following examples of our resources and support:

Resources to Stay Safe

Stay Informed and Prepared

Report Potential Threats

If you know someone who is struggling with mental health issues or may pose a danger to themselves or others, seek help

If You See Something, Say Something®. Report suspicious activity to local law enforcement or call 911.

The National Terrorism Advisory System provides Americans with alert information on homeland security threats. It is distributed by the Department of Homeland Security. More information is available at: To receive mobile updates:

If You See Something Say Something® used with permission of the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

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