The biggest obstacle to cloud is people

I can solve most business problems by using technology solutions, but I’ve always said that the hardest part is getting people and company culture behind the true value of the technology. Cloud computing is no different. Failed cloud projects rarely trace back to technology issues, such as the inability to scale or poor security solutions. Most failures happen when skills and culture don’t adapt quickly enough to effectively use a new technology, including cloud computing.  [ Also on InfoWorld: The wrong way to think about cloud computing ] According to a recent Harvard Business Review survey, 62% of IT executives said they have a difficult time keeping up with the rapidly evolving technology roles and responsibilities needed to deal with the increased pace of cloud adoption. Executives also cited the growing complexity that cloud computing brings, along with the enterprise’s inability to align the organization fast enough to adopt the mandatory new requirements and skills. To read this article in full, please click here

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
The biggest obstacle to cloud is people
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I can solve most business problems by using technology solutions, but I’ve always said that the hardest part is getting people and company culture behind the true value of the technology. Cloud computing is no different. 

Failed cloud projects rarely trace back to technology issues, such as the inability to scale or poor security solutions. Most failures happen when skills and culture don’t adapt quickly enough to effectively use a new technology, including cloud computing. 

According to a recent Harvard Business Review survey, 62% of IT executives said they have a difficult time keeping up with the rapidly evolving technology roles and responsibilities needed to deal with the increased pace of cloud adoption. Executives also cited the growing complexity that cloud computing brings, along with the enterprise’s inability to align the organization fast enough to adopt the mandatory new requirements and skills. 

To read this article in full, please click here

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