Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

Tools and Resources

The surprising secret of synchronization

What do swaying bridges, flashing fireflies, clapping audiences, the far side of...

Open-edx LMS. Learner-centric and massively scalable Le...

edX and Open-edX is the online learning destination co-founded by Harvard and MI...

Kubernetes - consider All Microservices Vulnerable — An...

Author: David Hadas (IBM Research Labs) This post warns Devops from a false se...

Bootstrap 5.3.0-alpha1

It’s a Christmas miracle—Bootstrap v5.3.0-alpha1 has arrived just in time for th...

Blog: Protect Your Mission-Critical Pods From Eviction ...

Author: Sunny Bhambhani (InfraCloud Technologies) Kubernetes has been widely ad...

Blog: Kubernetes 1.26: Introducing Validating Admission...

Authors: Joe Betz (Google), Cici Huang (Google) In Kubernetes 1.26, the 1st alp...

Kubernetes v1.26: Electrifying

Authors: Kubernetes 1.26 Release Team It's with immense joy that we announce th...

Blog: Forensic container checkpointing in Kubernetes

Authors: Adrian Reber (Red Hat) Forensic container checkpointing is based on Ch...

Bootstrap 5.2.3

We’ve deviated from developing v5.3.0 to ship a new patch release, Bootstrap v5....

Blog: Kubernetes Removals, Deprecations, and Major Chan...

Author: Frederico Muñoz (SAS) Change is an integral part of the Kubernetes life...

Bootstrap Icons v1.10.0

Bootstrap Icons v1.10.0 is here with nearly 150 new icons. This release includes...

Kubernetes - Live and let live with Kluctl and Server S...

Author: Alexander Block This blog post was inspired by a previous Kubernetes bl...

Bootstrap 5.2.1

Bootstrap v5.2.1 is here with fixes from our latest minor release, v5.2. As a pa...

Bootstrap 5.2.2

Bootstrap v5.2.2 has landed with new bug fixes and documentation updates—keep re...

Building WordPress website and WooCommerce ecommerce sh...

Award-winning WordPress website, eCommerce and theme builder used by WordPress d...

You now have the option to develop your application wit...

Published by Dialect.tech. What is NoSQL? NoSQL is a class of DBMs that are non-...

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Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.