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AI and Robotics

Best AI Papers of 2020 Broach GPT-3 Large Language Mode...

By AI Trends Staff   The Best AI Papers of 2020 were called out by a writer at G...

Chief Data Scientist Seen as Bridging CTO to Business M...

By AI Trends Staff  The role of the Chief Data Scientist is needed to help the C...

AI Research at Amazon: Brand Voice, Entanglement Fronti...

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor    The most popular articles, blog posts, a...

Designing customized “brains” for robots

A new system devises hardware architectures to hasten robots’ response time.

Three MIT faculty elected 2020 ACM Fellows

Association for Computing Machinery honors Anantha Chandrakasan, Alan Edelman, a...

3 Questions: Thomas Malone and Daniela Rus on how AI wi...

MIT Task Force on the Work of the Future releases research brief "Artificial Int...

Fengdi Guo awarded first place in LTTP Data Analysis St...

In an award-winning paper, the PhD student and MIT CSHub research assistant meas...

AI is Helping Forecast the Wind, Manage Wind Farms 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Among all its many activities, Google is ...

Time is Right for the AI Infrastructure Alliance to Bet...

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   The AI Infrastructure Alliance is taking ...

With New Healthcare Tech Relying on Data Sharing, Trust...

By AI Trends Staff   On the verge of a new era of healthcare in which AI can com...

Remote Learning Boosting Adoption of Innovative Technol...

By AI Trends Staff   With remote learning happening for students of all ages dur...

Red Kill Switch for AI Autonomous Systems May Not be a ...

By Lance Eliot, The AI Trends Insider We all seem to know what a red stop button...

Learning with — and about — AI technology

At Open Learning Talks, Cynthia Breazeal and Eric Klopfer discuss artificial int...

Robust artificial intelligence tools to predict future ...

Researchers created a risk-assessment algorithm that shows consistent performanc...

“Liquid” machine-learning system adapts to changing con...

The new type of neural network could aid decision making in autonomous driving a...

Design progresses for MIT Schwarzman College of Computi...

New building will create a hub for computing research and education at MIT, incl...

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Elevate your brand in 2025!
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Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.