By AI Trends Staff AI is a major priority for US federal agencies and its adop...
The Common Ground for Computing Education is facilitating collaborations to deve...
A National Science Foundation-funded team will use artificial intelligence to sp...
Graduate student Nicholas Kamp describes the MicroBooNE experiment and its impli...
A visual analytics tool helps child welfare specialists understand machine learn...
Computational modeling shows that both our ears and our environment influence ho...
Researchers encourage positive use cases of AI-generated characters for educatio...
Assistant professor of civil engineering describes her career in robotics as wel...
Deep-learning methods confidently recognize images that are nonsense, a potentia...
Benjamin Katz '16, SM '18 is applying the skills he gained working on MIT's mini...
A new MIT-wide effort launched by the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society u...
The Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing publishes a collection of o...
Researchers find similarities between how some computer-vision systems process i...
Researchers surveyed 100 high-performing companies to determine which of them ar...
A new technique boosts models’ ability to reduce bias, even if the dataset used ...