Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

AI and Robotics

Federal Government Spending on AI is Accelerating 

By AI Trends Staff   AI is a major priority for US federal agencies and its adop...

3 Questions: Blending computing with other disciplines ...

The Common Ground for Computing Education is facilitating collaborations to deve...

Taming the data deluge

A National Science Foundation-funded team will use artificial intelligence to sp...

3 Questions: Investigating a long-standing neutrino mys...

Graduate student Nicholas Kamp describes the MicroBooNE experiment and its impli...

Making machine learning more useful to high-stakes deci...

A visual analytics tool helps child welfare specialists understand machine learn...

One autonomous taxi, please

Self-driving Roboats, developed at MIT, set sea in Amsterdam canals.

Perfecting pitch perception

Computational modeling shows that both our ears and our environment influence ho...

Characters for good, created by artificial intelligence

Researchers encourage positive use cases of AI-generated characters for educatio...

Q&A: Cathy Wu on developing algorithms to safely integr...

Assistant professor of civil engineering describes her career in robotics as wel...

Nonsense can make sense to machine-learning models

Deep-learning methods confidently recognize images that are nonsense, a potentia...

From “cheetah-noids” to humanoids

Benjamin Katz '16, SM '18 is applying the skills he gained working on MIT's mini...

3 Questions: Fotini Christia on racial equity and data ...

A new MIT-wide effort launched by the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society u...

A new resource for teaching responsible technology deve...

The Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing publishes a collection of o...

The benefits of peripheral vision for machines

Researchers find similarities between how some computer-vision systems process i...

Study examines how machine learning boosts manufacturing

Researchers surveyed 100 high-performing companies to determine which of them ar...

Injecting fairness into machine-learning models

A new technique boosts models’ ability to reduce bias, even if the dataset used ...

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Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.