Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

Education and Innovation

Helping Students with Disabilities Thrive in Virtual Le...

Image Source Many of us sorely miss the traditional classroom. From face-to-face...

Missouri State University Achieves Student Independence...

The Challenge of Note Taking Note taking is one of the most challenging accommod...

3-Step Guide on How to Develop AR/VR E-Learning Resources

Image: Unsplash.com “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our childr...

Clubhouse And Education: New App Has Exciting Potential...

Have you heard the buzz? Maybe you are on the waitlist already, or maybe you hav...

A Teacher’s Guide: How to Secure Your Video Conferences...

Video conferencing has become a crucial part of our lives. It facilitates anythi...

Moving on from Standardized Tests to AI: Helping Studen...

Image Source: Pixabay Test anxiety: we’ve all experienced it. Your palms get swe...

How Assessment Squelches the Summer Slide

Continued COVID-19 school policies followed immediately by a couple months off h...

Artificial Intelligence Success in K-12 Education

Of all the areas of life where artificial intelligence (AI) will impact, the big...

The Rise of Teacher Influencers And What it Takes to be...

When we think about what an influencer is, this definition is helpful: ‘Someone ...

Automation as The Key to Ease Teacher’s Workload: What ...

All over the world, teachers are quitting in droves. And they’re not silent abou...

Investing in a new future with Open Learning

For MIT OpenCourseWare and MITx MicroMasters learner Michael Pilgreen, risk taki...

First-year students take center stage on Killian Court

For the first time, students in 2.00b (Toy Product Design) performed their “PLAY...

3 Questions: Teaching computational maker skills throug...

With FabO, PhD student Dishita Turakhia wants to empower students to learn digit...

Fusion’s newest ambassador

High school student Tuba Balta engages new audiences through her MIT internship.

New algorithm aces university math course questions

Researchers use machine learning to automatically solve, explain, and generate u...

Christopher Capozzola named senior associate dean for o...

Distinguished professor and public history advocate will oversee open education ...

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Elevate your brand in 2025!
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.