Here’s a situation I am certain many software developers have faced when buildin...
This piece was written by Catherine Highet, Nisha Singh, and Arisha Salman. It w...
This piece was written by A4AI’s Deputy Director & Policy Lead Eleanor Sarpong. ...
Closures are often associated with functional programming languages. Closures co...
You just completed the data architecture for the system supporting the manufactu...
Tech has long had a diversity problem, but in open source, it’s even worse. U.S....
With the Sparkplug compiler, Google is looking to improve JavaScript performance...
The team behind Angular, Google’s popular TypeScript-based web framework, soon w...
Today’s web applications are nowhere near as fast and responsive as native deskt...
Microsoft’s annual developer event Build mixes education with new product announ...
MongoDB was one of the first NoSQL data stores, and it is the most popular NoSQL...
Imagine you are getting groceries delivered, or looking for a recommendation on ...
JFrog has unveiled the Private Distribution Network, an addition to its JFrog Di...
For Gabrielle Finear, a senior studying computer science, working on two startup...
Yichen Shen PhD '16 is CEO of Lightelligence, an MIT spinout using photonics to ...
Chemical engineering senior Awele Uwagwu works to accelerate the adoption of sol...