Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

Innovation and Invention

How to work with String.Create in C#

String handling is one of the most performance-critical areas in any applicat...

Reactive JavaScript: The evolution of front-end archite...

One of the most dynamic areas in software development today is front-end arch...

Eclipse unveils Java binaries marketplace

Look out, Oracle Java. The Eclipse Foundation is opening an online marketplac...

Broadcom targets enterprise infrastructure with $61B VM...

The chipmaker’s acquisition of VMware is the latest in a lengthy string of high-...

What is WebAssembly? The next-generation web platform e...

For two decades now, we’ve had only one programming language available to use...

Multicloud complexity is a major operational challenge

According to a recent survey from Virtana research, 82% of respondents now le...

You’re thinking about technical debt all wrong

“Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get...

As data science goes mainstream, so does its language

“When [Netflix’s data science team] started, there was one single kind of dat...

3 ways devops can support continuous architecture

Lengthy design phases for software architecture and systems used to be a requ...

3 business solutions where AI is a good choice

Is artificial intelligence overused? Perhaps it was initially when cloud comp...

How Vanguard and Morgan Stanley are balancing dev and ops

Asset manager Vanguard and global bank Morgan Stanley are trying to carefully...

Microsoft Dev Box: Your development workstation on Azure

Setting up a new development PC can take time. We’ve all experienced it: My l...

#RightsCon2022: Where to find us

RightsCon is upon us again! The Web Foundation and A4AI are very excited to be p...

TPDL Q&A Series: Tech Hive Advisory

Ahead of our Tech Policy Design Lab workshops on the topic, the Web Foundation s...

“The web makes us less hopeless and alone”: a first-per...

Yulia* is a 29 year-old Ukrainian designer who lived and worked in Kyiv until Ma...

The future of the web: policy pathways to an online wor...

This post was written by Chief Web Advocate Nnenna Nwakanma and Director for Pol...

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Elevate your brand in 2025!
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.