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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration. The agency has a diverse workforce of just under 18,000 civil servants, and works with many more U.S. contractors, academia, and international and commercial partners to explore, discover, and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

NASA’s Juno Finds Jupiter’s Winds Penetrate in Cylindri...

The finding offers deeper insights into the long-debated internal structure of t...

Bulgaria Signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Jo...

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson participated in a signing ceremony Thursday with ...

NASA’s new streaming service is here. More space. More ...

NASA’s new streaming service is here. More space. More science. More NASA.   The...

NASA Glenn Attracts Students to Manufacturing Careers  

There are currently more than 600,000 openings for manufacturing jobs in the Uni...

NASA Glenn Helps Military Service Members Transition to...

John Glenn. Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin. Jim Lovell. Guion Bluford. These iconic...

NASA Seeks Students to Imagine Nuclear Powered Space Mi...

The third Power to Explore Student Challenge from NASA is underway. The writing ...

Six Growing Beyond Earth Student Teams to Present at th...

Congratulations to the six Growing Beyond Earth high school teams who will prese...

Peter Griffith: Diving Into Carbon Cycle Science

Dr. Peter Griffith serves as the director of NASA’s Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems ...

Astronaut Candidates Learn About NASA Ames, Heat Shield...

NASA’s current class of astronaut candidates toured the agency’s Ames Research C...

Tribal Students Make Robots with NASA Aerospace Enginee...

Casey Denham, aerospace engineer with the Systems Analysis and Concepts Director...

NASA Invites Media to Bulgaria Artemis Accords Signing ...

Bulgaria will sign the Artemis Accords during a ceremony at 10 a.m. EST on Thurs...

Super Guppy Arrives in Alabama to Drop Off Artemis I He...

NASA’s Super Guppy arrives in Alabama on Nov. 6, 2023, carrying the heat shield ...

Going Beyond the Challenge for New and Continued Success

NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate connects the public to the agency’s ...

Advancing Technology for Aeronautics on Earth

The future of flight looks very exciting, and the public is helping NASA see it ...

Reaching New Frontiers in Science Supported by Public P...

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate seeks knowledge and answers to profound quest...

Propelling NASA Closer to the Moon and Mars with Open I...

NASA is leading humanity’s return to the Moon through Artemis. Artemis will land...