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Connecting the world of tech differently! Read. Write. Learn. Thrive. Make an informed decision without distractions. We are building tech media and publication networks to connect YOU and everyone to reliable information, opportunities, and resources to achieve greater success.

Bootstrap 5.2.2

Bootstrap v5.2.2 has landed with new bug fixes and documentation updates—keep re...

Crypto Boutique Law Firm Roche Freedman Removed From Cl...

After a Manhattan federal judge blasted Roche Freedman LLP founding partner Kyle...

Argentina Introduces New Exchange Rates to the Mix — ‘Q...

The government of Argentina, which is currently applying dollar exchange control...

SpaceX announces the return of Crew-4 from ISS - intern...

Published by Dialect.tech! Spacex announces the return of CREW-4 from ISS - inte...

A factory for FrEDs - fiber extrusion devices at MIT lab

MIT is famous as a factory of ideas. You could also call MIT a factory for learn...

Innovation in the classroom - MIT’s Residential Educati...

Innovation in the classroom - MIT’s Residential Education group fuels faculty in...

Hands-on: Quest Pro is the Dawn of the Mixed Reality He...

Quest Pro has finally been revealed and we were lucky enough to be among the fir...

Quest Pro Revealed with Snapdragon XR2+, Face-tracking,...

Today during Meta Connect the company finally revealed its high-end Quest Pro he...

Xbox Cloud Gaming to Launch on Quest as Meta Strengthen...

Quest 2 users will soon be able to play Xbox games thanks to a growing partnersh...

Tech Demo Shows the Real Power of Quest Pro Face Tracking

Quest Pro’s face-tracking capabilities will be quickly put to use to make Meta’s...

Hands-on: Quest Pro Technical Analysis – What’s Promisi...

There’s a lot to talk about after our time with Quest Pro. In our prior article ...

The State of Florida urgently needs your generous donat...

The Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund establ...

ARIN 50 registration still open - Join Us at ARIN 50, ...

ARIN holds open, biannual Public Policy and Members Meetings where attendees can...

Neurodegenerative disease can progress in newly identif...

A machine-learning method finds patterns of health decline in ALS, informing fut...

New program to support translational research in AI, da...

The MIT-Pillar AI Collective will cultivate prospective entrepreneurs and drive ...

Study finds the risks of sharing health care data are low

Greater availability of de-identified patient health data would enable better tr...