Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

Security and Cyber threats

Protecting Users from Malicious Sites with Falcon for M...

Introduction Today, mobile devices are ubiquitous within enterprise environments...

Hackers Stole Access Tokens from Okta’s Support Unit

Okta, a company that provides identity tools like multi-factor authentication an...

NJ Man Hired Online to Firebomb, Shoot at Homes Gets 13...

A 22-year-old New Jersey man has been sentenced to more than 13 years in prison ...

Discovering and Blocking a Zero-Day Exploit with CrowdS...

CrowdStrike Counter Adversary Operations is committed to analyzing active exploi...

Three Ways to Enhance Your Cloud Security with External...

The IT future is a cloudy one. Organizations are increasingly relying on cloud s...

Don’t Let Zombie Zoom Links Drag You Down

Many organizations — including quite a few Fortune 500 firms — have exposed web ...

Phishers Spoof USPS, 12 Other Natl’ Postal Services

Recent weeks have seen a sizable uptick in the number of phishing scams targetin...

Prevention Is the Best Preparation for the SEC’s New Br...

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this week voted to adopt new r...

CrowdStrike Scores 100% in SE Labs Q2 2023 Enterprise A...

The CrowdStrike Falcon® platform achieved 100% attack detection with zero false ...

August 2023 Patch Tuesday: Two Actively Exploited Zero-...

Microsoft has released security updates for 76 vulnerabilities and two zero-days...

Security Guidance from the Front Lines of Cloud Inciden...

In our first-ever Cloud Threat Summit, CrowdStrike’s Senior Vice President of In...

Barracuda Urges Replacing — Not Patching — Its Email Se...

It's not often that a zero-day vulnerability causes a network security vendor to...

Massive Losses Define Epidemic of ‘Pig Butchering’

U.S. state and federal investigators are being inundated with reports from peopl...

Phishing Domains Tanked After Meta Sued Freenom

The number of phishing websites tied to domain name registrar Freenom dropped pr...

What is SELinux and why should you enable or disable it...

Let's first talk about 'What is SELinux' before jumping to the conclusion of ena...

3CX Breach Was a Double Supply Chain Compromise

We learned some remarkable new details this week about the recent supply-chain a...

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Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.